Fabrics for the future

Fabrics for the future

The world is slowly becoming aware of the fact that widely used fabrics like conventional cotton are extremely harmful to the future of our planet. For that very reason, we collectively need to look at substitutes that are not detrimental to the environment. 

Here are a few of those that the world can and should turn to in this time of need-

- Hemp- Hemp is a fabric that is made from long strands procured from the stalk of the cannabis plant. It's a natural fiber that requires minimal to no amount of pesticides and fertilizers. When put in comparison with cotton, it requires half the land and four times less water to produce. It is a natural, highly durable, and sustainable fabric. More and more people are understanding the importance of growing hemp fabric globally.

- Linen- Linen is made from the fibers of the flax plant. It is very strong, absorbent, and dries quicker than cotton. A linen shirt uses 6.4 liters of water compared to 2,700 liters for a cotton shirt. We should not turn a blind eye to a fully biodegradable and stylish substitute. Linen is a key factor in the future of the fabric industry.

- Lyocell- Is a fabric made from raw cellulose – a sticky, viscous liquid. Generally procured from the eucalyptus tree, this fabric needs next to no amount of pesticides. Compared to cotton, requires half the amount of water to produce, and even lesser water to maintain. It's breathable, sustainable and a great substitute for conventional fabrics we currently use.

These fibers are not only better substitutes but can also be as stylish and functional as cotton if not more.

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